This is my personal site, created simply for fun and to have a space I can call mine away from the stress and lack of personalization present in modern social media. Feel free to look around.
I’ve wanted to make a Neocities for years now, but computer stuff has always easily frustrated me and I would scrap things in very early stages. Around mid-2024 I was in search of new interests and hobbies so I FINALLY sat down and figured all this out. I’m happy to say this is my first actual, functional website!
The "art" button on the navigation links to my Toyhouse, but that may change in the future if I ever decide to make a separate gallery.
P.S. Hover over the spinning gif in the bottom right corner for art credits. Click on it for something cool...You can right click on the image below to save to your site documents or copy the HTML, if you wish. Art is by me.
- finish hoard
- start on other directory pages